Fi­nan­cial sec­tor

The financial sector is in the midst of radical change. The recent crisis, the international call for greater transparency, and increasing digitalisation are just some of the challenges. We help you reorganise your internal processes, adapt your product range, and adopt a strong strategic position in this constantly changing environment.

De­ter­mi­na­ti­on of risk pro­fi­le and pro­duct de­ve­lo­p­ment

Would you like to optimise your existing portfolios and develop new products? Using innovative survey methods, we determine the risk preferences (suitability check) of your investors and policy-holders so that you can optimally advise your customers. At the same time, we help you meet the stricter regulatory requirements and improve your returns as a financial services provider.

Di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and da­ta hand­ling

For financial services providers, data is one of the primary sources of added value. We help you meet your digitalisation requirements. We use our great experience and innovative tools to ensure that the analysis of even large data volumes runs smoothly.

Macroe­co­no­mic and in­dus­try ana­ly­ses

How are companies in the financial sector currently adding value? What is your economic value as an employer? What challenges is the industry facing? By regularly surveying experts, we determine the answers to relevant questions and offer our opinions on potential developments.

Re­gu­la­to­ry de­sign

The regulatory conditions in the financial sector have changed fundamentally in recent years. With our economic expertise and many years of industry experience, we can help you overcome these challenges with studies and workshops. We help you form an opinion of regulatory initiatives.

Some of our projects

Analysis of economic development

Country model, investment, financial market

Helping a private bank to design and develop a country model for analysing the economic development with regard to asset investments.

Relevance study - financial market

National economy, value analysis, survey of experts

Analysing the macroeconomic relevance of the Swiss financial sector by means of structured discussions with experts and a consensus survey. On behalf of two Swiss associations.

Plausibility check – accident insurance

Insurance, data validation, risk statistics

Checking the plausibility of risk statistics for compulsory accident insurance in accordance with the Federal Law on Accident Insurance. On behalf of a Swiss association.

Preference measurement, online insurance

Willingness to pay, insurance product, discrete choice experiment

Using discrete choice experiments to determine the willingness to pay for online insurance, with the aim of optimising the product range. On behalf of a large insurance company.

Regulation benchmarking

Regulation index, banking regulation, international comparison

Determining and structuring the financial market regulation of selected countries and comparing the effect on competition by means of benchmarking. On behalf of a Swiss think tank.

Risk profiling

Risk profile, institutional investors, preference measurement

Measuring risk profiles for a large institutional investor. On behalf of an international asset management company.

Risk profiling for pension funds

Collective foundation, risk preference, Polynomics Riskprofiler

Using the Polynomics Riskprofiler© to determine and analyse the risk preferences of attendees of the annual general meeting of a collective foundation.

Company valuation

Regulation, company value, discounted cash flow method

Using a discounted cash flow model to evaluate the impact of regulation on a company’s value.

Dr. Yves Schneider


banks - banking associations - federal agencies - pension funds - insurance companies - insurance associations - provident institutions


Banks and insu­ran­ces in Switz­er­land

Our study shows: The financial sector remains one of the most important sectors of the Swiss economy. With gross value creation of approximately CHF 60 billion, the financial sector contributed around 9.2 percent to total gross value creation in Switzerland in 2017, which is significantly above average compared with other countries. The financial sector employed around 207,500 people (full-time equivalents) in the past year, which corresponds to a year-on-year decrease of 1.2 percent. One main reason for this reduction in jobs was the transfer of one major bank’s central services to an internal service provider of the group.

Ban­ken und Ver­si­che­run­gen in der Schweiz

Unsere Studie zeigt, dass der Finanzsektor weiterhin einer der wichtigsten Sektoren der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft ist. Auch bei rückläufiger Wertschöpfung im Jahr 2016 trug der Finanzsektor rund 9.4 Prozent zur Bruttowertschöpfung der Schweiz bei, was im Ländervergleich überdurchschnittlich viel ist. Die von Polynomics im Rahmen einer Konsensusumfrage befragten Finanzexperten beurteilen die Wachstumsaussichten für den Finanzsektor verhalten optimistisch.

Po­ly­no­mics Re­gu­la­ti­on In­dex

The Polynomics Regulation Index 2012 data set measures the intensity of price, quantity, and market entry and exit regulations as well as further regulations that impact entrepreneurial decisions in the telecommunication sector. The panel data set covers 32 countries from 1997 to 2010 and encompasses a total of 41 qualitative indicators of various regulations in the telecommunication sector.